News & Events

The BIG IDEA Business Plan Contest Starts Today in Central & South Central PA!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:      October 18, 2013

STATE COLLEGE – Have you been thinking about starting a business based on a new, tech-based product or process? Your Idea could win one of two $25,000 Cash Prizes in Ben Franklin’s BIG IDEA Business Plan Contest.

This year’s competition, sponsored by Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central & Northern PA and the BF Venture Investment Forum, targets the counties located in Central and South Central Pennsylvania.  For contest details, a list of the eligible counties, or to apply on-line, visit

In addition to the (2) grand prizes totaling $50,000, the winners will also receive: 

. One-year website hosting offered by Netrepid
. The opportunity to participate in a BF TechCelerator Boot Camp for Startups
. Six months free rent in the BF TechCelerator @ Carlisle (for a winner from that area)
. Assistance from the Innovation Partnership in preparing a proposal to receive a federal research (SBIR) grant
. Access to all Ben Franklin’s business support services at no charge 

Stephen Brawley, President/CEO of Ben Franklin, said, “We had a huge response to last year’s contest. Nearly 2,000 people came to the BIG IDEA landing page to check out the easy application process.  We believe that anyone with the courage, energy and enthusiasm to apply to a business plan contest is already a winner.”