VIF News

How Much Would You Spend To Be Able to Sell Your Products in the Largest Mall in the World?

This one mall sells more than Target, Walmart, Staples and Sears combined. Their growth in 2016 was ten times higher than the next eight largest retailers combined. Every second, shoppers spend more than $140,000 buying a vast array of products that range from clothing to household goods to car parts – new and used! By…

Why enter a Business Plan Contest?

Why enter a Business Plan Contest? After all, when done properly, writing a business plan can be very time consuming. A panel of judges you have never met will pass judgment on not only your idea for a new product or service, but how well you define the opportunity and explain the market execution.

“Practice Makes Perfect”

If equity funding is part of your company’s financing strategy, it’s more than worth the time and effort to learn how to make a good pitch