Explore Your Start Up Tech-Business Idea!
TechCelerator Fall 2020!
If you want to expand your network, engage with serial entrepreneurs, participate in discussions with experts in marketing, sales and finance to help shape your business and develop a pitch presentation, then you’ll want to register for Ben Franklin’s Fall 2020 TechCelerator – To Apply: https://bit.ly/techcelerator2020fall
Your only cost is your time. The boot camp entails a weekly two-hour group session with content experts, and a weekly one-hour session with your start up business mentor to discuss individual needs and development opportunities. The goal of the 10-week program is to provide a framework that will enable you to have the information needed to determine if it’s the right time to start your tech-business.
Your hard work will culminate in a 6-minute presentation that will position your business to take the first step toward funding. Test your presentation skills at the final session, pitching before a group of judges who have $10,000.00 to award to one or more participants.
Partnering with The Candy Factory and The Lancaster County Community Foundation, Ben Franklin Technology Partners is inviting students, professors, and the general public to apply to the next Startup Boot Camp.
The two-hour group and one-hour individual sessions will run weekly, over 10 weeks:
When: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 until Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Time: 3:00 PM– 5:00 PM
Location: Virtual
Note: Space is limited. You must apply by Sunday, September 6, 2020.